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State Tejano Democrats

We are the largest Hispanic Democratic organization in the State of Texas. Our Mission is seeking full representation of Hispanics at all levels and in all activities of the Democratic Party. This includes but is not limited to participating in the delegate selection and committee processes at all levels of the Democratic Party conventions and organizations; selecting, screening, supporting, and endorsing Democratic candidates; taking appropriate public stands on issues relevant to our communities; and proposing, supporting, and, when necessary, opposing legislation relevant to the Hispanic community.

" We are needed. We have to be engaged and get ourselves elected to school boards and city councils. Sí se suede!" 
- Dolores Huerta, United Farm Workers cofounder 

Our Mission

We, Tejano Democrats, seeking to maximize the participation of Hispanics in the Democratic Party as a powerful force in determining elections at all levels of the political process intend to contribute fully to an inclusive and effective Texas Democratic Party.

Webb County SD21
Fort Bend Tejano Dems

Find a local chapter in your area and become a member.

 Support the State Tejano Democrats.

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